I went on an adventure to Austin with my sister and cousin, and let me say, it was quite a trip! Lots of shopping was done (not my cup of tea) but it was worth it being able to go to Whole Foods! The Whole Foods in Austin is amazing! We ate almost every meal there in their cafe. Austin is a beautiful city. It is so full of lush trees and foliage. I love how active everyone is. I definitely have to say that Austin people are alot kinder and patient than Dallas people. My conclusion has come to be that Austin is MUCH better than Dallas. I'm really not a big fan of Dallas, just ain't my style : )
BUT so today my sister and I went to Dimples cupcakes and got these lovely little goodies.

They were the biggest cupcakes i've ever had! They were pretty good, but a bit too sweet for me. But I REALLY want my own little cupcake bakery some day. I might be able to shadow a family friend who has a wedding cake bakery! So hopefully that will affirm whether or not I could really run a bakery and enjoy it. My dilemma is that I want to bake alllllll the time, but I can't eat all the goodies! So...that logically led to me think of owning a simple bakery! I have the name and decorations all ready planned. : ) It would be so fun!
Work and summer classes have kept me alot more busy than I would like, as it is preventing me from crafting more and writing on here more often. But as long as I am being somewhat productive that is good. : )
I have just started Leviticus, and well it will be an interesting read. It is a hard book to read because it isn't a story of people, which I greatly enjoy, but more a focus of laws. But my close friend has given me a Bible Study to go along with it that was very inspirational to her. So I am quite excited about reading it!
School soon. : D I have a good feeling about this year. : )
I hope you have a blessed day friend.
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